Glotzer & Leib Blog
February 25th, 2017
Is Your Car Totaled?
A car accident affects your life significantly. Even if you escape physical injury, you still have the lingering effects of the trauma and, most often, the tedious aftermath of insurance claims, adjusters, rental cars, and car repairs. If your car suffers little damage, your insurance company or the responsible party’s insurance company pays for the reasonable repairs to your car. If the cost of repairing your car exceeds its value or comes within reach of the value threshold, however, your i...
February 10th, 2017
Car Accident Attorney – What is My Car Accident Case Worth?
Car Accident Attorney - What is My Car Accident Case Worth? In my 20 years of practicing personal injury law, inevitably in my first meeting with a potential client the question will come up "What is my car accident case worth?" Some injured victims find it strange if their lawyer does not have an exact or close answer as to the value of the case. However, it is fairly normal not to have an exact value of a case until the California car accident attorney can determine issues of fault and...
February 1st, 2017
California Right of Way Rules
Car Accident Lawyer - Right of Way Rules Many car accidents involve rules of the road regarding right of way. In my over 20 years of practicing personal injury law, many cases come down to whether the injured party had the right of way. Many drivers are unaware of the California right of way safety rules. California has enacted these safety rules to protect California drivers, pedestrians and bicyclist. Unfortunately many catastrophic injury accidents in California whether your accident is i...
January 17th, 2017
Fatal Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Results in Two Deaths
On Sunday January 15, 2017 a fatal, auto accident in Los Angeles claimed the lives of two person riding on a motorcycle. The collision took place at 2132 W. Florence Avenue. It was reported that the motorcycle crashed into a car. The man and woman on the motorcycle were in their 30s and were given CPR at the scene at the accident prior to their deaths. Details as to how the motorcycle accident actually occurred and who caused the accident were not immediately released by the Los Ange...
December 29th, 2016
Liability in Alcohol Related Auto Crashes
An intoxicated driver killed a preschool boy when she lost control of her vehicle and crashed into a South Side apartment complex. Five other people, including the 23-year-old driver, were seriously injured in the crash. First responders and witnesses say that the car careened across a parking lot before penetrating the ground floor apartment; the driver apparently swerved to avoid an obstacle and was unable to regain control of her vehicle. The boy, who was either 4 or 5, was responsive whe...
December 6th, 2016
Nursing Home Injuries in California
Making the decision to allow someone else to care for your loved one is difficult for any family. While many understand that they cannot provide the level of care and attention their loved one deserves, there can be an inherent distrust in nursing home facilities due to the frequent stories of abuse and neglect cases throughout the state of California and across the United States. The elderly population has steadily grown in number and they are among the most vulnerable due to their special ne...
December 5th, 2016
California Negligent Burn Cases – Victims of Building Fire
In of the worst tragedies in the history of California over 36 people were pronounced dead after a deadly fire consumed a warehouse in Oakland, California. Investigators are still investigating the warehouse fire but early reports do not indicate the cause of the fire. No one has attributed the fire to arson. The warehouse was apparently being used for a late night dance party where partygoers pay for admission. There is no indication that the persons or company who sponsored the party had a ...
November 29th, 2016
Dog Bite Injuries in California
Dogs have been known to be “man's best friend” for ages. While these furry creatures provide lots of fun and entertainment, they can be loyal and protective of their owners, and sometimes they can cause harm to unsuspecting individuals. In fact, in 2015 alone there were 34 dog bites that resulted in fatalities to men, women, and children throughout the United States. When encountering dogs, it is important to be alert and exercise care. If you or your loved one has been injured by a dog bit...
November 16th, 2016
Pedestrian Accident in Downtown Los Angeles Leaves 3 Injured
In a recent Los Angeles car accident, a car hit three pedestrians crossing the street in an area near downtown Los Angeles. A 46 year old Mother and her two children were suddenly and without warning struck by a car while crossing in the intersection of James M. Wood Boulevard and Bonnie Brae Street. The pedestrians were taken to the hospital by ambulance but appeared to have suffered minor injuries. When a pedestrian is hit by a car, they should immediately seek medical attention. After seekin...
October 31st, 2016
Third Party Liability In California
If the motor vehicle crash or other incident involved catastrophic injuries, the tortfeasor (negligent driver) sometimes does not have sufficient auto insurance coverage to pay all damages. California has one of the highest numbers of uninsured drivers in the country. Furthermore, many insured drivers only carry the state minimum, and the financial requirements in California are among the lowest in the country. One option in these cases is to collect the balance of the judgment from the in...